2017 Comes To A Close

To All My Family and Friends:

I can’t believe another year has passed us. With the sadness in the ending of another year, there is hope in the start of the new one. I hope and pray that everyone starts the new year out knowing that you are loved and valued. 2018 has the promise of change and growth but it will only ever be what we make of it. Please make it the best yet for all those you interact with and also for yourself.

Thank you to everyone that had a part in making my life a little bit better and happier this year. 2017 was full of challenges and some heartbreak but it was mostly full of growth and happiness.

I wish everyone a Very Happy New Year!!

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Peaceful Slumber

I don’t know about you but sleep is escaping me right now. I am very busy at the office with year-end items. At the same time I am trying to get into the holiday spirit by making gifts for neighbors, planning holiday activities and just getting ready in general for Christmas day. I have decided that I need to take 5 minutes every night, before crawling into bed, to unwind with some quiet Christmas music that is guaranteed to bring visions of dancing sugar plums.

If I Had the Time and the Skill

I am one of those people who really likes to be creative and make things but I am also one of those people who what I picture in my head, never is executed in the same manner. I end up with an interpretation and usually poor at best. But if I had the skill and the time to create, I would probably create all of my Christmas gifts. I think that time given in a labor of love means more than a gift card.

So here are 5 things that I would absolutely love to make for others.

  1. Felt Gnomes 
  2. Hexagon Pillow 
  3. Seashell Flower Portrait 
  4. Hand Painted Globes 
  5. Dip-Dyed Frosted Tumblers 

Holiday Traditions You Can’t Live Without

I am sure all of you get to December and you start asking those around you if certain traditions will still be going on this year. It could be the annual neighborhood party, decorating the Christmas tree on December 1st, re-enacting the nativity, or reading ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve; each of us has certain traditions that we like to keep.

What are your traditions?

Some of my Christmas traditions have morphed as I’ve gotten older. They have been adapted for different situations such as nieces/nephews, living oversea, or celebrating away from home. Here are some of my traditions that I like and want to keep around for years to come.

  1. Baking holiday goodies to take to all of the people who I love (not necessarily caroling; I can’t sing). This year I would like to try this recipe by Creative Home Cooking. 
  2. Having appetizers for dinner on either Christmas Eve or Christmas depending on which day works better for the traditional Christmas dinner. This year I am going to make this recipe from Lemon Tree Dwelling. 
  3. Opening one present on Christmas Eve with it usually being new pajamas or a book. If you guys have never order pajamas from Pajamagram, you have been missing out. 
  4. Turning off all of the lights in the house except for the Christmas lights and basking in their peaceful glow. I think this is one of the best things about December. Love this image from The Curious Bumblebee.
  5. Watching at least one sappy holiday Hallmark movie so I can roll my eyes and laugh with my girlfriends about. I mean no disrespect to Hallmark. I actually think it is great that they create movies that everyone can sit down and watch without being worried about something being inappropriate. At the same time, some of the endings make me roll my eyes and laugh out loud. This year I don’t have the Hallmark channel so I am making do with Netflix. I have managed to watch A Christmas Prince and the quota has been met for the year. Enjoy watching it!