When You Just Love Them

I am in town helping my family out for the next few weeks so here are a few songs for when you just love them . . .whoever them is for you. Enjoy!

Quick Little Trip

I was lucky to spend a quick extended weekend with my Sister and her kids down in California a couple of weeks ago. This trip was a birthday trip for both my sister and her little girl. It was a fun getaway and a great time to spend at old haunts. So here are couple of things that we did over the 4 days.

Olvera Street in Los Angeles
Huntington Beach
Balboa Island
Jan’s Health Bar

Surviving to Thriving

This past week I received some good news . . . I am having sinus surgery! After years, (and I am talking decades here), I was finally validated. I haven’t been able to breathe well for a long time. Exercising is very hard for me, sleeping is a pain, and singing . . .non-existent. I have visited with Allergists, Pulmonologists, and Primary Care Doctors and have always been told the same thing . . .take more allergy medications (and stop living life). Luckily, I am not a good patient and I kept living my life. So below are 5 motivational quotes to ramp me back on as I continue on this journey to better health.