Fall 2019 Pictures in Review

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I hope everyone had a great fall. Here are some pictures from all of my exploits this season.

Motivation During a Stressful Time

I am usually VERY busy at year end with work but this year it is a little different. I am having to complete year end processes two weeks earlier then normal and it means that I am not sleeping very well and working LONG hours.

This means I need motivation to keep going when I just don’t want to do anything, anymore. Here are 5 songs that gear me up to keep pounding the work out. Do you have songs that motivate you to keep going?

Spending a Lot of Time in Washington

This year has been FULL of work travel and that means I have been keeping the I-5 nice and warm between Oregon and Washington. This fall I headed back to Seattle for another work trip and even though I manage to be up there a lot; I still find new things to love. Here are 5 new things that I fell in love with during this last trip.

  1. Homegrown
  2. Seattle Great Wheel
  3. Museum of Pop Culture
  4. Funko World Headquarters
  5. Tipsy Cow Burger Bar

Simple Holiday Decorating

I love every holiday and I love decorating my house to reflect that holiday but this year has been really difficult with all the time that I have spent away either on a trip or in the office. It isn’t getting better for me anytime soon. But I don’t want to pass up any more holidays this year and not decorate so I have been in search of very simple and quick ideas to help me feel more like me during the holidays.

Here are 5 ideas to help spur you along down a simpler path as well.