Music for Working at Home

I don’t know about you guys but working from home has a whole new set of challenges. The biggest one for me, being focused. It is hard to stay focused when there is a cat wanting attention, personal phone calls coming in (because they all know you are home), and kids talking in the background just to name a few.

A good chunk of my day is spent without music on but when I really need to buckle down and focus on something or get through something; I always turn to music. Here a 5 types of music playlists that I will run through during my work day.

Dreaming of Places (Far Away)

I used to be excited when I would have the off occasion to stay home for a weekend and just hang out. Not anymore. Now I am dreaming of all the places I want to wake up in beside my own room. Is anyone else feeling like this?

Here are 5 places that my dreams are taking me to right now. I can’t wait to explore once the world opens up again!

What to Wear While at Home

Yup . . . still in quarantine as I suspect most of you are as well. The first week at home, I stayed in my pjs and enjoyed every minute of it. However, I realized quickly that staying “undressed” affected my ability to function mentally well, while “at the office”. Now I didn’t say that I put makeup on or did my hair every day. I have lightened up considerably on my daily routine.

I have just now reached a new normal for me. It does consist with getting dressed every day in ready to walk out the door clothes. I also do my hair and makeup twice a week–mostly for the practice so when I do start venturing out again it doesn’t take me two hours to get ready because I can’t remember how to do it. LOL!

But I decided that there are things to get dressed up for even if you are staying in. Below are 5 outfits for staying in–you decide on the event for wearing them.


Does anyone else have hands that hurt from all the hand-washing and hand-sanitizing? Everynight before I go to bed, I take 5 minutes and work lotion thoroughly into my knuckles and the tops of my hands that have been hit the hardest. Here are 5 lotions that cycle through of types. What is one that you like?

  1. Mario Badescu Special Hand Cream with Vitamin E 
  2. Vermont Original Bag Balm
  3. Coconut Oil
  4. St. Ives Hydrate
  5. Aveda Special Hand Relief